Saturday, September 15, 2012

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How to copy files using SSH

you can't copy using the 'ssh' program specifically, but you can with it's associated programs: sftp or scp

sftp is (and works) similar to ftp

scp is a neat little program:

copy from a remote machine to my machine:
scp user@ /home/me/Desktop/file.txt

copy from my machine to a remote machine:
scp /home/me/Desktop/file.txt user@

copy all file*.txt from a remote machine to my machine (file01.txt, file02.txt, etc.; note the quotation marks:
scp "user@*.txt" /home/me/Desktop/file.txt

copy a directory from a remote machien to my machine:
scp -r user@ /home/me/Desktop/.

see 'man scp' or 'man sftp' for more ... 

hopefully there are no typos! :)
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