To make multiple screenshots and place them into a single image file (creating tiles), you can use FFmpeg's tile video filter, like this:
ffmpeg -ss 00:00:10 -i movie.avi -frames 1 -vf 'select=not(mod(n\,1000)),scale=320:240,tile=2x3' out.png
That will seek 10 seconds into the movie, select every 1000th frame, scale it to 320x240 pixels and create 2x3 tiles in the output image out.png, which will look like this:
if i want to add togeather 2 extinsion like 3gp and mp4 then how i change movie.avi? please tell me
ReplyDeletedo you mean joining two different videos?
ReplyDeleteffmpeg -ss 00:00:10 -i movie.avi[here i want to add 2 more extinsion togeather(3gp n mp4)] -frames 1 -vf 'select=not(mod(n\,1000)),scale=320:240,tile=2x3' out.png
and how set this script with my movie script?
[img][/img] i want this type of ss with time n watermark of 3gp n mp4 format.
ReplyDeletethen you need to use third party library.